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The only secure truck parking area in the center-west of France 24/7

Discover our parking facility for heavy goods vehicles

Our only parking facility for heavy goods vehicles in center-west France.


SecuriTpark stands out as the only secure parking facility for heavy goods vehicles in the center-west of France, catering to the specific needs of carriers and their clients.


SecuriTpark's location is truly exceptional, strategically positioned at the junction of the A10 and A83 highways, within the La Crèche road center (79).


Our mission is to meet the growing expectations of carriers and their clients in terms of services and security, while also adhering to the increasingly stringent standards of insurance companies regarding theft protection. Our commitment translates into an unparalleled level of security and comfort.


Located in La Crèche, near Niort, our facility offers the following advantages:

  • 90 parking spaces available around the clock, 24/7
  • An exceptionally high level of security, ensuring your peace of mind.



Guided Tour of the Secure Parking Area




To : [email protected]

Information requested :

  • Date and time of arrival
  • Date and time of departure 
  • Vehicle licence plate 
  • Name of the company